Decagon: Membership Art that is Constantly Evolving

by ImperfectLine

kjetil golid

What is the Decagon?

The decagon is a general membership to the world of Deca, and the art is created by Kjetil Golid, known for his Art Blocks curated set called Archetypes. This token will allow more people to learn, earn, curate, and participate in this ecosystem. The token will be constantly evolving if one decides to use DXP (points earned for participating) to level up their artwork.

In an effort to scale and allow for a low barrier to entry, Deca has chosen a free-mint tokenomics model. I am in love with this choice, and feel that this business decision may not be the most profitable but it is what is needed to have any chance at decentralization. Deca is aiming for a foundation with a broad base to push the narrative forward. I have been amazed at what has been delivered thus far which excites me for what is to come. Deca is one of the most engaging projects I have ever participated in and feel that a lot of people think similarly.

Octagon holders (Genesis token) had the opportunity to mint Decagons first and will continue to have additional utilities down the road. Decagons are now open to mint by invite to people trying to enter the Decagon. If you are unsure of how to participate in NFTs, I once again highly advise minting a Decagon for FREE + gas.

You can buy a Decagon here or reach out to me on Twitter and I can send you a invite to mint one.

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